The Mad Dogs

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Races—Mad Dogs Race Results, 1990-1999

Updated 13 March 20181990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998
1994 Sunday run '95 annual run Brew to Brew '97

New Year's Eve 5K, Topeka, 31 Dec 99

21:27 Dawn Fordice 36     1st of 16 AG 35-39, 2nd woman overall

Tucson, Ariz., Marathon, 5 Dec 99

3:43:12 Dick Lipsey 54  537 overall; 41st of 102 AG 50-54
3:58:43 Ed Payne 51  803 OA;  56th of 102 AG 50-54;         1534 finishers

Run Across Kansas Half-Marathon, Galena, 27 Nov 99

1:39:09 Ed Payne 51 2nd AG 50-54 19th of 92 overall;
winner, Jamie Burnham, 1:16:35

6th Annual Blue Springs, Mo., Trail Marathon, 14 Nov 99

3:56:45 Ed Payne 51  5th of 24
4:15:00 Dick Lipsey 54  6th of 24

24th Annual Turkey Trot 5K, Cross Country, Haskell Indian Nations U., 6 Nov 99

No MadDogs participation

Sunflower 8K, Overland Park, 17 Oct 99

35:48 Dick Lipsey 54  

9th Annual Sandrats Trail Run, 9 Miles, Lawrence, 3 Oct 99

58:31   Jay Beckman  39  12th overall   4th AG
1:01:15 Kent McDonald 45  19th OA       2nd AG
1:02:47 Erica Larson 27  25th OA       1st woman
1:09:58 Dave Faurot  52  42ndOA       2nd AG
1:10:04 Stefan Zauscher 36  44th OA       10th AG
1:11:11 Dawn Fordice  36  49th OA       1st AG
1:11:14 Ann Cudd 39  50th OA       2nd AG
1:12:00 Ed Payne  51  53rd OA       6th AG  
1:15:06 Dick Lipsey   54  66th OA       11th AG
1:16:00 Wes Hubert 49  67th OA       7th AG
1:18:39 Mike Harmon 52 74th OA 14th AG
1:28:34 Bill Venohr 45   109 OA           12th AG     122 total finishers

1st Boulder Backroads Marathon, Colo., 26 Sep 99

(5,430 feet elevation) Photos
4:03:29 Dick Lipsey 54  167 of 372 OA; 9th of 21 AG 50-59

Governor's Cup 5K, 10th Annual Sunflower Games, Lawrence, 25 July 99

22:47 Dick Lipsey 54  4th of 9 AG 50-54; 49th of 129 overall

Mosquito Marathon "Short Course" (16 miles), Leadville, Colo., 17 July 99

(10,150 feet - 13,000 feet elevation) Photos
3:41:51 Dick Lipsey 54  7th of 14 AG; 60th of 110 overall

Rim Rock Farm Cross-Country 5K, Lawrence, 10 July 99

24:57 Wes Hubert 49
24:59 Dick Lipsey 54
25:05 Dawn Fordice 36

12th Annual Library Run, Tonganoxie, 12 June 99

time n.a. Jay Beckman 39
n.a. Lindy Eakin 43
19:30 Mike Greenfield 47     1st AG 40-49 3rd overall
21:46 Ed Payne 51 9th overall of 42

26th Annual Hospital Hill Run, Kansas City, Mo., June 99

1:48:32 Dawn Fordice 35  

Wyoming Marathon, Laramie, Wyo., 30 May 99

(8,600 feet elevation)
4:42:21 Dick Lipsey 54    23 of 66 overall

KU Mayfest 10K, May 99

38:33 Dawn Fordice 35     note: short course

22nd Annual Lincoln, Neb., Marathon, 2 May 99

4:08:47 Krista Norden 23 678 overall of 1,048; 17 of 34 AG 20-24

Lions Sight Run 5K, Topeka, 1 May 99

22:30 Jim Guthrie 43

5th Annual Raintree Half-Marathon, Lawrence, 17 April 99

1:28:27 Jay Beckman 39 28th overall  7th AG
1:33:24 Lindy Eakin 43 46th OA       8th AG
1:38:01 Dee Boeck 49 65th OA
1:43:32 Ann Cudd 39 100 OA         3rd AG
1:43:44 Dawn Fordice 35 103 OA         4th AG
157 women, 360 total finishers

23rd Annual Hogeye Marathon, Fayetteville, Ark., 11 April 99

3:55:38 Dick Lipsey 53    4th of 10 AG 50-54; 38th of 74 men overall

11th Annual Ted Riegelman 10K, Parkville, Mo., 28 March 99

44:49 Dick Lipsey 53    2nd AG 50-54; 34 of 140 overall

4th Annual Winnie Hesse 10-Mile, Topeka, 27 March 99

72:46 Dee Boeck 49 1st of 6 AG 45-49 37th overall of 193
78:31 Ed Payne 50 7th of 21 AG 50-54 70th OA; winner; Wayne Strohman, 51:47

5th Annual Brew to Brew, Kansas City to Lawrence, 21 March 99

40-54 degrees, sunny; 42.5 miles
Solo: Dick Lipsey, 29.8 miles at 5:06:20

10th Annual Shamrock Shuffle 5K, Lawrence, 13 March 99

22:00 Dawn Fordice 35     1st AG 30-39

Disney World Marathon, Orlando, Fla., 10 Jan 99

4:03:09 (chip) Dick Lipsey 53     90 of 338 AG 50-54; 1993 of 7085 overall
4:17:27 (chip) Krista Norden 23     81 of 289 AG 20-24; 686 of 3148 women

New Year's Eve 5K, Topeka, 31 Dec 98back to top

21:55 Dawn Fordice 35     2nd of 13 AG 35-39

Rocket City Marathon, Huntsville, Ala., 12 Dec 98

3:46:36 Dick Lipsey 53    19th of 66 AG 50-54;  368 of 866 overalll

9th Annual Sprint Turkey Trot 5K, Kansas City, 26 Nov 98

21:47 Dick Lipsey 53
25:xx Krista Norden 23

23rd Annual Turkey Trot 5K, Cross Country, Haskell Indian Nations U., Lawrence, 7 Nov 98

?? Mike Greenfield 47     2nd AG 40-49; 7th overall    
23:50 Dick Lipsey 53    (36 degrees, rain, mud)

Pueblo River Trail Marathon, Colo., 11 Oct 98

(5,200 feet elevation)
3:57:07 Dick Lipsey 53     5th of 13 AG 50-54; 72nd of 176 overall

8th Annual Sandrats Trail Run, 9 Miles, Lawrence, 4 Oct 98

1:01:29 Magnus Wallenborg 29  15th overall 3rd AG
1:01:55 Jay Beckman 38  16th OA       4th AG
1:03:56 Lindy Eakin  42  18th OA       1st AG
1:06:26 Rick Hermesch 45  22nd OA      4th AG
1:11:58 Ann Cudd 38  40th OA       1st AG
1:13:28 Doug Houston 53  46th OA       6th AG
1:13:40 Ed Payne 50  48th OA       8th AG
1:14:05 Ed Morris 50  51st OA       9th AG
1:16:05 Dick Lipsey 53  58th OA      12th AG
1:19:00 Dawn Fordice 35  66th OA        3rd AG
1:21:31 Steve Wharton 47  72nd OA       9th AG
time n.a. Dave Gardner 49  82nd OA     12th AG
119 finishers

1st Quad Cities, Ill.,Marathon, 20 Sept 98

4:17:34 Dick Lipsey 53   387 overall of 1037

ALS 10K, Kansas City, Mo., 13 Sept 98

47:08 Dick Lipsey 53     

Governor's Cup 10K, 9th Annual Sunflower Games, Lawrence, 26 July 98

41:24 Dick Wilson 66 1st AG 60-69; winner, David Johnston 33:55
45:34 Ed Payne 50 2nd AG 50-54
49:14 Dick Lipsey 53

Midsummer Morning 5K, Overland Park, 19 July 98

21:22 Ed Payne 50 7th of 32 AG 50-54; 71st overall
22:46 Dick Lipsey 53 15th of 32 AG 50-54; 119th OA

Freedom Run 10K, Lenexa, 4 July 98

?? Dawn Fordice 4th AG 30-39

Night Flight 5K, Lee's Summit, Mo., 26 June 98

21:31 Dawn Fordice 34      1st AG 30-34

3rd Annual Marathon to Marathon, Storm Lake, Iowa, 13 June 98

4:03:07 Dick Lipsey 53  16th of 29 AG; 99th of 164 overall
4:37:15 Ed Payne 50  23rd of 29 AG

25th Annual Hospital Hill Runs, Kansas City, 31 May 98

Half-Marathon winner, Patrick Kiptum, 1:06:31
1:33:42 Dick Wilson 66 1st AG 65-69
1:42:10 Ed Payne 50  15 of 94 AG
1:44:19 Jim Guthrie 42  58 of 187 AG
1:51:28 Dawn Fordice 34  21 of 83 AG
50:47 Paul Heitzman 67 1st AG 65-69
1:02:53 Dave Faurot  51  7 of 53 AG
35:09 Deb Faurot 47  18 of 55 AG; 80 degrees at race start

20th Annual Bolder Boulder 10K, Boulder, Colo., 25 May 98

(5,430 feet elevation)
46:38 Dawn Fordice 34
47:51 Dave Faurot 51 35th of 351 men age 51
49:34 Russell Faurot 15
62:07 Emily Faurot 17
72:29 Deb Faurot 47

Heroes Marathon, Madison, Wis., 24 May 98

3:57:04 Dick Lipsey 53  17th of 40 AG 50-54; 438 overall of 887

Indianapolis Life 500 Half-Marathon, May 98

1:24:42 Dick Wilson 66 1st of 70 AG 65-69
1:30:01 Paul Heitzman 67 2nd of 70 AG 65-69

18th Annual Olathe Med Center Run, 2 May 98

46:23 Dick Lipsey 53  3rd of 13 AG 50-54
21:22 Dee Boeck 48 2nd of 17 AG 45-49

KU Mayfest 5K, 2 May 98

18:21.33 Lindy Eakin 42  1st AG 36-46 3rd overall
18:28.98 Mike Greenfield 46  2nd AG 36-46 4th OA     
20:02 Jim Guthrie 42
19:56.6 Ed Payne 50 1st AG 47-57
20:08.74 Dawn Fordice 34 1st woman overall and AG 25-35
20:32.92 Ann Cudd 38 1st woman AG 36-46
Rick Hermesch 44
20:43.3 Mike Harmon 50 2nd Ag 47-57
note: short course

Trolley Run 4 Mile, Kansas City, Mo., 26 April 98

26:50 Dawn Fordice 34  510 overall; 11 of 842 AG
28:52 Dick Lipsey  52  992 OA;       41 of 285 AG
8196 finishers

Longest Day Marathon, Brookins, S.D., 18 April 98

3:42:18 Ed Payne 50  30th overall of 59 male finishers
3:55:10 Dick Lipsey 52  36th overall

4th Annual Raintree Runs, Lawrence, 18 April 98

Half-Marathon winner, Rusty Collins, 1:12:25
1:25:13 Erica Larson 26 17th overall 1st woman   9th all-time in state
1:28:39 Lindy Eakin 42 21st OA 4th AG 40-44
1:43:44 Ed Morris 49 95th OA 11th AG 45-49
1:44:18 Mike Harmon 50 98th OA 4th AG 50-54
1:45:07 Dave Faurot 51 105 OA  6th AG 50-54   268 total finishers
17:55 Jay Beckman 38 11th overall 2nd AG 35-39
18:48 Paul Heitzman 67  19th OA  1st AG 65-69  2nd all-time Kansas age-group
20:58 Dee Boeck 48 44th OA 1st 45-49
21:02 Jim Guthrie 42  46th OA 7th AG 40-44
21:23 Dawn Fordice 34  51st OA  1st AG 30-34
33:47 Deb Faurot 47  224 OA      245 total finishers

Clinton Dam 10K, Lawrence, ?? April 98

45:14 Dave Faurot 51 1st 50+ 6th of 28 overall; winner, Steve Riley 35:02

3rd Annual Winnie Hesse Run for the Heart 10 Mile, Topeka, 28 March 98

1:11:42 Dee Boeck 48 1st 45-49 woman
1:16:32 Dick Lipsey 52  56th overall; 4 of 13 AG; 178 total finishers

USA Masters Indoor Track Championship, Boston, 26 March 98

10:50:40 Paul Heitzman 67 U.S. 65-69 age-group record for 3,000
5:31.77 Paul Heitzman 67 1st AG 65-69 mile
2:29.75 Paul Heitzman 67 1st Ag 65-69 800

4th Annual Brew to Brew Run & Relay, Kansas City to Lawrence, 8 March 98

20s, wind, snow, slush; very strong head winds; windchill about 5 ; 42.5 miles
"Mad Dogs II"  (Ed Payne, Mike Harmon, Dawn Fordice, Dick Lipsey): 5:25:46
Net time: 5:20:46 16th of 84 teams

9th Annual Shamrock Shuffle 5K, 7 March 98

21:35 Jim Guthrie 42

14th Annual Bulldog Marathon, Altus, Okla., 7 Dec 97back to top

3:40:32 Ed Payne  49  11th Overall of 17 finishers; upper 30s; light rain
3:51:45 Dick Lipsey  52  13th Overall; 1st AG 50+

8th Annual Sprint 5K, Kansas City, Mo., 27 Nov 97

22:33 Dick Lipsey  52  about 230th of 1,500

12th Annual Cedar Crest 10K, Topeka, 15 Nov 97

47:50 Dick Lipsey  52  

Parks & Rec Turkey Trot, Lawrence, x Nov 97

18:23 Erica Larson ?? 3rd overall of 32
winner, Steve Riley, 17:30

26th Andy Jackson Marathon, Union, Tenn., 1 Nov 97

3:57:00 Ed Payne 49  36th overall of 89 male finishers
4:15:16 Dick Lipsey  52  4th of 13 AG 50-54; 47th overall

Greater Kansas City Marathon & 10K, 26 Oct 97

3:33:26 Erica Larson 26 3rd AG 25-29; 78th of 375 overall
41:10 Paul Heitzman 66 1st AG 65-69; 49th overall of 403
41:42 Dick Wilson 65 2nd AG 65-69; 51st OA
43:54 Dee Boeck 48 9th woman overall; 72nd OA

4th Annual KU Natural History Museum Sunfish Run 5K, 11 Oct 97

20:55 Jim Guthrie 41  
22:32 Dick Lipsey 52   29 of 101 overall

7th Annual Sandrats Trail Run, 9.5 Miles, Lawrence, 5 Oct 97 (photos)

1:00:48 Kent McDonald 44 13th overall
1:01:26 Erica Larson 26 14th OA; first woman
1:02:26 Jay Beckman 37 16th OA
1:08:10 Lindy Eakin 41 37th OA
1:17:28 Ed Payne 49 70th OA
1:19:49 Ann Cudd 37 78th OA
1:20:01 Dick Lipsey 52 81st OA
1:27:53 Steve Wharton 46 111 OA
1:45:23 Ed Eglinski 153rd OA     160 total finishers

3rd Annual Flat Rock 25K, Elk Creek Reservoir & State Park, Independence, 27 Sep 97

2:49:06 CR Marge Hickman 2nd of 11
3:04:55 Dick Lipsey 52 4th of 11
3:04:55 Ed Payne 49 4th of 11

Wichita Half-Marathon, 21 Sep 97

1:38:52 Ed Payne 49 78th overall of 247; winner Wayne Strohman, 1:07:39

Old Settlers 5K, Olathe, 6 Sep 97

23:26 Dick Lipsey 52   24th of 60 overall

Labor Day 10K, Leawood, 1 Sep 97

48:29 Dick Lipsey 52  6th of 19 AG 50-54;  68 of 190 overall

Race for the Cure 5K, Kansas City, Mo., 10 Aug 97

20:15 Dawn Fordice 33

Old Shawnee Miracle Run 5K, Shawnee, xx June 97

21:47 Christine McMinn 37

14th Annual Lions Journey for Sight 8K, Topeka, 14 June 97

35:18 Dick Lipsey 52   20th of 50 overall

USAT&F National Masters Championship, San Jose, Calif. (June?) 97

10,000 Meters
40:14.19 Paul Heitzman 66 1st AG 65-69
40:49.20 Dick Wilson 65 2nd AG 65-69
5,000 Meters
19:11.08 Paul Heitzman 66 1st AG 65-69
19:46.0 Dick Wilson 65 2nd AG 65-69
Other Heitzman results: 1st in 1,500 (5:05.09); 2nd in 800 (2:32.92); 4th in 400 (65.32).

24th Annual Hospital Hill Run, Kansas City, Mo., June 97

1:24:38 Erica Larson 25   2nd of 74 AG
1:44:09 Ed Payne  49   60th of 140 AG
1:59:29 Tim McGrath 44  161st of 197 AG 

19th Annual Boulder Bolder 10K, 26 May 97

(5,430 feet elevation)
46:42 Dave Faurot 50 38th of 378 men age 50
47:33 Jim Guthrie 41
55:50 Russell Faurot 14
62:55 Emily Faurot 16
71:00 Deb Faurot 46

Bayshore Marathon, Traverse City, Mich., 24 May 97

3:46:02 Dick Lipsey 52  19th of 30 AG 50-54; 182 overall of 320 (3:45:20 chip time)

21st Annual River Run 10K, Wichita, 10 May 97

36:36 Erica Larson 25 56th overall of 1435; 11th woman; winner Libbie Hickman 33:02
39:18 Dick Wilson 65 102 OA; 1st 65+
39:26 Paul Heitzman 66 108 OA; 2nd65+
44:20 Dave Faurot 50 290 OA;
65:29 Deb Faurot 46 1294 OA winner, Jimmy Hearld, 29:12;
winner, Jimmy Hearld, 29:12; female winner Libbie Hickman 33:02; 2nd Deena Drossin 33:43

20th Annual Lincoln, Neb., Half-Marathon, 4 May 97

1:38:38 Dick Lipsey 52   16th of 55 AG 50-54; 167 of 948 overall   

3rd Annual Raintree Runs, Lawrence, 19 April 97

1:25:14 Erica Larson 25 13th overall 1st woman  7th all-time in state
1:38:49 Dee Boeck 47 1st female master
1:42:59 Ed Payne 49  52nd OA
n.a. Jay Beckman 37    4th overall
20:49 Jim Guthrie 41    17th OA; 2nd AG   note: clock malfunction in 5K

Ekiden 15K Solo, Kansas City, 19 April 97

1:11:15 Dick Lipsey 51  1st AG 50-54

KU Relays 10K, 12 April 97

48:38 Dick Lipsey 51  1st AG 50-54

2nd Annual Winnie Hesse 10 Mile, Topeka, 6 April 97

1:04:04 Erica Larson 25   2nd woman     15th overall  42nd all-time in state
1:07:20 Dick Wilson 65   1st AG 65-69; (1st 50+); 26th overall; Kansas age-group record
1:13:39 Dee Boeck 47   1st AG 45-49    46 OA   13th all-time Kansas age-group 45-49
1:18:11 Dick Lipsey 51   3rd of 15 AG 50-54  64 OA
1:18:40 Ed Payne 48   9th of 15 AG 45-49  70 OA; winner, Noel Berkley, Dublin, IRL 51:04
173 finishers

Clinton Dam Runs, Lawrence, 5 April 97

5K note; results sorted by race number so both races are intermixed
21:35 Jim Guthrie 41 2nd AG 40-44
32:46 Deborah Faurot 47 2nd AG 45-49
46:32 David Faurot 50 2nd AG 50+

8th Annual Shamrock Shuffle 5K, Lawrence, 15 March 97

22:35 Jim Guthrie 40
23:02 Dick Lipsey 51 2nd AG 50-59;  30th of 100 overall

3rd Annual Brew to Brew Run & Relay, Kansas City to Lawrence, 9 March 97

45-55 degrees, strong head wind ; 42.5 miles (photos)
"Mike's Team": Captain Ann Cudd, Ed Eglinski, Steve Wharton, Deb Altus, Doug Houston, Dave Faurot
Gross time: 5:19:32   Adjusted time: 4:48:32 (benefiting from 30-minute early start)
AP Team with Dick Lipsey; 5:38 (adjusted 5:18)
Dick Lipsey: 2nd leg, 5 miles at 40:22; 6th leg, 3.3 miles at 26:50; 10th leg, 4.7 miles at 38:10
click for larger version

14th Annual Groundhog 10K, Kansas City, Mo., 2 Feb 97

39:23 Dick Wilson 65 116th overall of 1,781; 1st of 12 AG 65-69
39:38 Lindy Eakin 41 124 OA; 15th of 169 AG 40-44
40:51 Paul Heitzman 65 174 OA; 2nd AG 65-69

15th Annual Topeka to Auburn Half-Marathon, xx Jan 97

1:23:43 Kent McDonald 44 10th of 244; 1st Master
1:43:17 Dee Boeck 47 57th overall, 1st Master; winner, Dave Halferty, 1:13;18

7th Annual Sprint 5K, Kansas City, Mo., 28 Nov 96

23:30 Dick Lipsey 51

11th Annual Cedar Crest 10K, Topeka, 9 Nov 96

46:24 Dick Lipsey 51 44th of 105 overall

21st Annual Turkey Trot 5K, Cross Country,  Haskell College, Lawrence, 2 Nov 96

18:43 Jay Beckman  36 2nd AG 30-39  6th OA
19:23 Erica Larson 2nd woman      10th OA
22:50 Dick Lipsey 51 1st AG 50+  22nd OA
71 finishers

17th Annual KAKE-TV Marathon, Wichita, 19 Oct 96

Click on image for newspaper article.
3:50:53 Dick Lipsey 51    85 overall of 195

6th Annual Sandrats Trail Run, 15K, Lawrence, 6 Oct 96

1:17:20 Dick Lipsey 51     78 of 111 overall
other results not available

Wichita Half-Marathon, 26 Sept 96

1:23:28 Erica Larson 25       Overall female winner; 14th of 259 overall   6th all-time in state
1:30:46 Paul Heitzman 65       37th overall; 1st AG 65+   state age-group record
1:39:27 Ed Payne 48       72nd overall; 10th of 31 AG 45-49
1:45:44 Dick Lipsey 51       98th overall; 7th of 18 AG 50-54
1:48:09 Tim McGrath 43       113th overall; 14th of 31 AG 40-44
163 male, 96 female finishers

Labor Day Run, Leawood, 2 Sep 96

37:37 Erica Larson 24/25 1st AG 25-29
39:05 Dick Wilson 64 1st AG 60-64
46:25 Dick Lipsey 51   6th of 16 AG 50-54; 102 of 220 overall
19:00 Paul Heitzman 65 1st AG 65-69

Dam Run 8K, Smithville, Mo., 3 Aug 96

37:19 Dick Lipsey 51   10th of 31 AG 50-59; 70th of 197 overall

Midsummer Morning 5K, Overland Park, 21 July 96

20:25 Ed Payne 48 58th overall; 5th of 45 AG 45-49
20:27 Tim McGrath 42 60th overall; 13th of 35 AG 40-44
Maya Payne, 22, 28:23; 335th overall

Fiesta Mexicana 5K, Topeka, xx July 96

17:18.53 Erica Larson 24 1st woman, 21st overall of 250
17:58.21 Dick Wilson 64 1st 60-plus; 31st OA

Coors Freedom Run 10K, Junction City, 5 July 96

39:47 Dick Wilson 64 1st AG 60+ 15th overall of 205
41:32 Mike Ott 50 1st AG 50-54 26 OA

Lion's Sight Run 10K, 22 June 96

?? Dawn Fordice 33     1st AG 30-39

Spofford 5K, Overland Park, 15 June 96

22:45 Dick Lipsey 51

23rd Annual Trinity Hospital Hill Runs, Kansas City, Mo., 2 June 96

Mike Harmon Photo courtesy of Dawn Fordice Pawley, July 2011
Half-Marathon winner, Gert Thys 1:03:26, 1476 finishers
1:21:26 Erica Larson 24 6th woman overall
1:32:01 Paul Heitzman 65 1st of 10 AG 65-69
1:36:18 Tim McGrath 43 48th of 213 AG 40-44
1:36:40 Dee Boeck 46 2nd of 35 AG 45-49
1:37:21 Ed Payne 48 31 of 155 AG 45-49
1:38:21 Marge Adelman 46 3rd of 35 AG 45-49
1:44:19 Dave Faurot 49 64 of 155 AG 45-49
1:46:28 Mike Harmon 48 71 of 155 AG 45-49
12-K 803 finishers
46:54 Dick Wilson 64  1st of 19 AG 60-64
47:31 Mike Ott 50  1st of 49 AG 50-54
50:31 Lindy Eakin  40  9th of 85 AG 40-44
31:37 Deborah Faurot 45    4th of 37 AG 45-49; 300th overall of 598 finishers

18th Annual Bolder Boulder 10K, Boulder, Colo., 27 May 96

(5,430 feet elevation)
45:29 Jim Guthrie 40
46:16 Dave Faurot 49 33rd of 384 men age 49
59:59 Russell Faurot 13
66:50 Emily Faurot 15
67:17 Deborah Faurot 45 109 of 387 women age 45; 7,140 of 17,601 women overall

Clinton Dam Runs, Lawrence, xx May 96

36:59 Erica Larson 20-24; 1st woman, and maybe first overall; results are confused
44:26 David Faurot 49 maybe 1st AG 45-49; maybe first master
31:23 Deborah Faurot 45
note: Parks & Rec Department race results sorted by race number, with both races, both sexes and all age groups intermingled

20th Annual River Run 10K, Wichita, 11 May 96

36:22 Erica Larson 24 51st overall of 1,476; 7th woman
39:22 Dick Wilson 64 114th OA; 2nd 60-64
39:45 Paul Heitzman 65 125th OA; 1st 65+
43:56 Dave Faurot 49 265th OA;
63:57 Deb Faurot 45 1290 OA; winner, Pat Porter, 29:16

15th Annual Topeka Run 8K, 11 May 96

36:44 Dick Lipsey  51 19th of 46 overall

16th Annual Olathe Med Center 10K, 4 May 96

36:51 Jay Beckman 36 1st of 38 AG 35-39
39:28 Mike Ott 50 1st of 25 AG 50-54
40:50 Paul Heitzman 65 1st AG 65-69
43:22 Tim McGrath 43 9th of 32 AG 40-44
44:01 Dee Boeck 46  5th woman overall
47:39 Dick Lipsey  51 5th of 25 AG 50-54
20:56 Ed Payne 48 3rd of 31 AG 45-49

Drake Relays, 28 April 96

16:52.6 Sarah Heeb 2nd, 5,000 meters

Trolley Run 4-Mile, Kansas City, Mo., 28 April 96

23:00 Mike Ott 50 2nd AG 50-54

2nd Annual Raintree Runs, Lawrence, 27 April 96

10 Miles
1:01:32 Erica Larson 24  7th overall  1st woman   20th all-time in state
1:09:48 Tim McGrath 43 13th OA 3rd AG 40-44
1:14:13 Dave Faurot 49 21st OA 1st AG 45-49
1:19:18 Ed Payne 48 35th OA 2nd AG 45-49 56? total finishers
(Guest runner: Bill Foreman, 1:10:09, 14th OA; 3rd AG 30-34
19:15 Paul Heitzman 65  1st AG 65-69 4th overall
22:04 Dawn Fordice 32 1st AG 30-39  15th overall  2nd woman
30:53 Deb Faurot 45  71st overall   84 total finishers 

100th Boston Marathon, xx April 96

3:41:16 Ed Payne 48     3:31:19 chip time

KU Relays Mt. Oread Run, 13 April 96

Click on image for newspaper article.
10K winner, Steve Heffernan 31:06
36:34 Erica Larson Overall female winner
39:00 Dick Wilson 64 1st AG 60-64; 9th overall
40:21 Lindy Eakin 40 4th of 33 AG 40-44
42:54 Jim Guthrie 40 8th of 33 AG 40-44
43:34 Tim McGrath 43 11th of 33 AG 40-44
44:30 Dave Faurot 49 7th of 26 AG 45-49
44:52 Dawn Fordice 32 1st of 17 AG 30-34
44:54 Dick Lipsey 50 7th of 16 AG 50-54    
45:22 Steve Wharton 45 9th of 26 AG 45-49
2 Mile
10:54 Mike Ott 50 1st AG 50-54   state age-group best, but aided course
11:07 Paul Heitzman 65  1st AG 65+    state age-group best, but aided course

Clinton Dam Runs, Lawrence, ?? April 96

36:59 Erica Larson 20-24
43:47 Tim McGrath 43 40-44
44:26 Dave Faurot 49
44:28 Ed Payne 47 45-49
31:23 Deb Faurot 45-49

8th Annual Ted Riegelman 10K, Parkville, Mo., 31 March 96

45:42 Dick Lipsey 50   58 of 230 overall

USA Masters Indoor T&F Championship, Greensboro N.C., 30-31 March 96

5:27.65 Paul Heitzman 65   AG 65-69 U.S. age-group record for indoor 1 mile
Other Heitzman results: 800 meters, 2:27.37; 3,000 meters, 11:10.70, both 1st place, AG 65-69

2nd Annual Brew to Brew Run & Relay, Kansas City to Lawrence, 17 March 96

Handicap Team Relay, 42.5 miles
"The Political Spectrum": Mike Ott, Ann Cudd, Dave Faurot, Deb Altus, Steve Wharton, Doug Houston
Gross time: 5:16:41   Net time: 4:51:11   11th of 89 teams

7th Annual Shamrock Shuffle 5K, Lawrence, 16 March 96

21:23 Jim Guthrie 40

14th Annual Groundhog Run 10K, Kansas City, Mo., 4 Feb 96

36:17 Erica Larson 3rd woman, 1st of 28 AG 20-24, 64th OA
37:43 Mike Ott 50 3rd of 70 AG 50-54, 102 OA
38:18 Dick Wilson 64 2nd of 17 AG 60-64, 120 OA
40:09 Paul Heitzman 64 3rd of 17 AG 60-64, 186 OA
42:56 Dee Boeck 46 1st of 32 AG 45-49, 284 OA; winner, Mark Curp 28:58

14th Annual Topeka to Auburn Half-Marathon, 20 Jan 96

1:29:59 Dick Wilson 64 1st of 9 AG 60-64, 31st overall of 223 finishers
1:32:43 Mike Ott 50 2nd of 23 AG 50-54, 38th OA
1:41:07 Dee Boeck 46 1st of 8 AG 45-49, 76th OA; winner, Dave Halferty, 1:13:20

Maverick Half-Marathon, Baker U., Baldwin, 9 Dec 95

1:46:30 Dick Lipsey 50
Ed Payne 47
Bill Busby 40

6th Annual Sprint Thanksgiving Day 5-K, Kansas City, Mo., 23 Nov 95

18:38 Mike Ott 49

20th Annual Turkey Trot Cross Country 5K, Haskell College, 4 Nov 95

18:41 Erica Larson 1st woman          6th OA
22:42 Dick Lipsey 50 2nd AG 50+       23rd OA
63 total finishers

12th Annual Humana Greater KC 10K, 29 Oct 95

37:52 Dick Wilson 63  1st of 14 AG 60-64; 39th overall
38:05 Mike Ott 49   45th overall; 5th of 86 AG 45-49
38:47 Paul Heitzman 64  2nd of 14 AG 60-64 55th OA
43:08 Marge Adelman 46  3rd master
43:42 Dee Boeck 46  4th master; 146 OA
48:35 Dick Lipsey 50  293 OA; 19th of 54 AG 50-54
741 male finishers; note: Craig Virgin (40) 40:39

Mission Sunflower 10K, Mission, 22 Oct 95

41:18 Dawn Fordice 32 1st AG

Wichita Marathon, 22 Oct 95

Click on image for larger version.
3:19:33 Ed Payne 47 4th AG 45-49 37th overall
Steve Riley, 2:39:04, state masters record

2nd Annual KU Natural History Museum Killer Bee Run 5K, 7 Oct 95

19:10 MikeGreenfield 43     1st AG 40-49 7th overall
Lindy Eakin 39
19:36 Jim Guthrie 39
23:41 Dick Lipsey 50     2nd AG 50+  52 of 120 overall

5th Annual Sandrats Trail Run, 9.6 Miles, Lawrence, 1 Oct 95

1:07:52 Tim McGrath 42 18th overall
1:08:14 Ed Payne 47 21st OA
1:10:13 Mike Ott 49 26th OA
1:17:10 Steve Wharton 44 42nd OA
1:17:15 Wes Hubert 45 43rd OA    89 total finishers

Plaza Classic 10K, Kansas City, Mo., 17 Sep 95

48:08 Dick Lipsey  50     

Wichita Half-Marathon, 17 Sep 95

1:33:54 Tim McGrath 42 10th of 33 AG 40-44, 37th overall of 201
1:35:03 Ed Payne 47 5th of 29 AG 45-49, 46th OA; winner Dave Halferty, 1:11:29

Fiesta Mexicana 5K, Topeka, 8 July 95

17:12 David Bateman 32     2nd AG 30-34; 11th overall
17:37 Erica Larson 23     1st woman; 16th overall
21:13 Dick Lipsey  50     2nd AG 50-54; 56th OA
22:41 Charles Shelton 40    78th OA
273 total finishers winner, Stewart Gillin, 15:09

Free State 8K, Lawrence, 4 July 95

43:12 Bernie Kish 56 69th overall

Lions Journey for Sight 8K, Topeka, 10 June 95

30:52 Dick Wilson 63 8th overall of 81
32:10 Bill Reetz 36 15th OA

22nd Annual Trinity Hospital Hill Runs, Kansas City, Mo., 4 June 95

Click on image for more race info.
Half-Marathon winner, Peter Whitehead 1:04:17
1:25:57 Erica Larson 23 10th woman; 83rd overall of 1,502 finishers
1:34:18 Marge Adelman 45 3rd of 47 AG 45-49, 219th overall
1:37:42 Bill Reetz 36 67 of 227 AG 35-39, 321 OA
1:37:59 Jim Guthrie 39 71 of 227 AG 35-39, 331 OA
1:38:51 Tim McGrath 42 62 of 210 AG 40-44 352 OA
1:39:47 Dee Boeck 45 5th of 47 AG 45-49 391 OA
1:40:42 Doug Houston 50 13th of 80 AG 50-54 421 OA
1:43:43 Ed Payne 47 52 of 171 AG 45-49 507 OA
1:45:03 Dave Faurot 48 62 of 171 AG 45-49 563 OA
8K winner, Wayne Strohman 24:52
30:49 Mike Ott 49 4th of 126 AG 45-49
31:20 Dick Wilson 63  1st of 18 AG 60-64
31:59 Paul Heitzman 64  2nd of 18 AG 60-64
33:12 Lindy Eakin 39 18th of 110 AG 35-39
53:39 Deborah Faurot 44  43 of 57 AG 40-44; 1053 overall of 1199 finishers

Bolder Boulder 10K, Boulder, Colo., 29 May 95

65:56 Deborah Faurot 44 114 of 387 women age 44;   5,968 of 16,544 women overall

Melissa Shea Memorial 5K, Harrisville, Mich., 27 May 95

21:09 Dick Lipsey 50   1st AG 50-59; 24 of 78 overall

19th Annual River Run 10K, Wichita, 13 May 95

37:34 Erica Larson 23 51st overall of 1,286; 10th woman
40:30 Paul Heitzman 64 92nd OA; 1st 60+
45:06 David Faurot 48  252nd overall
65:49 Deborah Faurot 44  1143 overall; winner Pat Porter, 29:14

13th Annual Run Against Drugs 10K, Topeka, 13 May 95

43:52 Jim Guthrie 39

15th Annual Olathe Med Center 10K, 6 May 95

39:55 Paul Heitzman 64  2nd of 5 AG 60-64 winner Mark Curp 30:21
43:18 Ed Payne 47  3rd of 30 AG 45-49
43:18 Tim McGrath 42  9th of 43 AG 40-44
44:07 Dee Boeck 45  1st of 6 AG 45-49
46:15 Dick Lipsey 50  4th of17 AG 50-54

Trolley Run 4-Mile, Kansas City, Mo., 23 April 95

28:29 Dick Lipsey 49 954th overall; 67 of xxx AG 45-49

Kansas Relays Mt. Oread Run for ALS, 15 April 95

10K winner, David Johnston, 32:10
37:29 Erica Larson 1st overall woman
38:35 Dick Wilson 63 1st of 3 AG 60-64
38:44 Lindy Eakin 39 4th of 26 AG 35-39
44:45 Ed Payne 47 8th of 27 AG 45-49
45:03 Tim McGrath 42 17th of 32 AG 40-44
2 Mile
11:37.7 Mike Ott 49  1st 45-49 AG
11:43.9 Paul Heitzman 64 state record for AG 60-64

7th Annual Ekiden Relays, Overland Park, 9 April 95

click on image for larger version
25K Relay


7.5K in 31:14 Grover Everett 54 12th of 79 on this leg (6:42/mile pace)
5K in 23:06 Doug Houston 50 25th of 79 (7:26 pace)
10K in 39:05 Mike Ott 49 11th of 79 (6:17 pace)
2.5K in 10:35 Jim Brewer 52 15th of 79 (6:48 pace)
"KU MadDogs" team: 12th of 79 overall in 1:44:00

Clinton Dam Runs, Lawrence, 8 April 95

19:18 Erica Larson 23    1st woman; 3rd overall of 74
32:47 Deborah Faurot 44
10K note: 10K course was long
48:19 David Faurot 48
48:51 Ed Payne 47
51:37 Dick Lipsey 49
53:25 Tim McGrath 42
54:15 Charlie Shelton 40
note: Parks & Rec race results were a mess; sorted by race number with both races, both sexes and all ages intermixed

7th Annual Ted Riegelman Memorial Trail Run, Parkville, Mo., 2 April 95

click for larger image (photo courtesy of Dick Wilson)
18:26 Mike Ott 49
18:33 Paul Heitzman 64 1st AG 60-64
37:05 Erica Larson 1st woman
38:12 Dick Wilson 63 1st AG 60-64
45:25 Dick Lipsey 49
n.a. Charles Shelton 40

1st Brew to Brew 45-Mile Run & Relay, Kansas City to Lawrence, 19 March 95

Handicap Team Relay
"Our Motto is Our Slogan": Dee Boeck, Mike Ott, Gene Wee, Jim Dicker
Gross time: 5:21:44   Net time: 4:45:56   1st of 55 teams
"More Mad Dogs": Christine McMinn, Ann Cudd, Lisa Dorrill, Deb Altus
Gross time: 6:00:33   Net time: 5:38:33   26th place

6th Annual Shamrock Shuffle 5K, Lawrence, 11 March 95

18:40 Erica Larson 1st woman; overall winner, Tom McAleer, 16:32
21:02 Jim Guthrie 39 only partial results available

13th Annual Groundhog Run 10K, Kansas City, Mo., 5 Feb 95

35:57 Erica Larson 1st of 43 AG 20-24; 4th of 404 women overall

AAU Region 8 Indoor Meet, Anschutz Pavilion, KU, 8 Jan 95

11:25.55 Erica Larson 1st open woman, 2-mile run

Maverick Half-Marathon, Baker U., Baldwin, 10 Dec 94back to top

1:31:20 Sean Larsen 26         21st overall of 106 finishers
1:39:26 Tim McGrath 41         42nd overall
1:40:06 Ed Payne 46         43 OA
1:44:47 Bill Busby 39         49 OA
1:47:36 Dick Lipsey 49         61 OA
106 finishers 32 degrees, 20 mph north winds; winner James Bates, 1:17:24

5th Annual Sprint Thanksgiving 5K, Kansas City, 24 Nov 94

21:49 Dick Lipsey 49 about 200th of 1,000+

9th Annual Cedar Crest 10K, x Nov 94

38:47 Dick Wilson 62 8th overall of 168
40:35 Paul Heitzman 63 18th OA
44:28 Dee Boeck 45 37th OA

19th Annual Turkey Trot Cross-Country 5K, Haskell College, 5 Nov 94

19:02 Erica Larson 2nd woman; 7th overall
20:50 Tim McGrath 41 11th OA
22:40 Dick Lipsey  49 19th OA
69 total finishers

11th Annual Humana Marathon & 10K, Kansas City, Mo., 30 Oct 94

38:06 Bill Reetz 36 10th of 105 AG 35-39; 69th overall of 889
39:35 Paul Heitzman 63 1st of 14 AG 60-64, 98th OA
42:39 Doug Houston 49 16 of 104 AG 45-49, 161 OA
44:27 Dee Boeck 45 5th master; 214 OA; winner Jonahs Koech, 29:49

4th Annual Sandrats Trail Run, 9 Miles, Lawrence, 1 Oct 94

58:30 Sean Larson 26 10th OA 
1:03:23 Lindy Eakin 38 21st OA
1:07:49 Jim Guthrie 38 32nd OA
1:09:33 Dave Faurot 47 38th OA
1:09:57 Ann Cudd 34 40th OA
1:10:05 Doug Houston 49 41st OA
1:12:21 Dee Boeck 45 1st AG 45-49
1:13:51 Dick Lipsey 49 56th OA
1:13:52 Tim McGrath 41 57th OA
1:15:00 Steve Wharton 43 62nd OA
1:16:09 Deb Altus 35 65th OA
1:17:41 Ed Payne 46 70th OA   96 total finishers

Rover Run 10K, Topeka, 24 Sept 94

44:16 Dick Lipsey 49  3rd AG 45-49; 20th of 50 overall

Air Capital Half-Marathon, Wichita, 18 Sep 94

winner, Dave Halferty, 1:08:25
1:22:25 Erica Larson 23 25th overall of 246 finishers;
1:23:45 Dick Wilson 62 29 OA;state AG 60-64 record;
11:46 Paul Heitzman 63 first AG 60-64

Plaza Classic 10K, Kansas City, 18 Sep 94

45:30 Dick Lipsey 49

Old Settlers 5K, Olathe, 10 Sep 94

22:14 Dick Lipsey 49 26th of 109 overall

Labor Day 5K, Leawood, 5 Sep 94

18:27 Dick Wilson 62 1st AG 60+ 9th overall of 242 finishers
22:36 Dick Lipsey 49 4th of 24 AG 45-49; 50th OA; 80 degrees, 90% humidity

13th Annual River Run 8K, Rossville, 13 Aug 94

31:02 Dick Wilson 62 18th overall of 108 finishers
37:10 Dee Boeck 45 54 OA
42:49 Bernie Kish 55 83 OA; 85 degrees and humid

CASA 5K, Topeka, 7 Aug 94

22:34 Dick Lipsey 49 8th of 20 overall

5th Annual Sunflower Games, Lone Star Lake, 30 July 94

Governor's Cup 5K
18:03 Mike Ott 48  1st AG 45-49
18:23 Dick Wilson 62   1st AG 60+
21:38 Dick Lipsey 49
Governor's Cup 10K
36:26 David Bateman 31 1st AG 30-34
38:08 Erica Larson 22? overall female winner

Midsummer Run for the Cure 5K, Overland Park, 17 July 94

24:07 Dick Lipsey 49 14th of 52 AG 45-49; 287 of 1268 overall

13th Annual Free State 8K, Lawrence, 25 June 94

29:17 Jay Beckman 34 6th overall
31:00 Dick Wilson 62 1st AG 60-64
31:03 Mike Ott 48 1st AG 45-49; 14th overall
32:16 Paul Heitzman 63 2nd AG 60-64
34:20 Jim Guthrie 38
43:11 Bernie Kish 55 2nd AG 55-59
    winner David Johnston 26:29

21st Annual Trinity Hospital Hill Runs, Kansas City, Mo., 5 June 94

Click on image for larger version.
Half-Marathon winner, John Kipkoskei, 1:02:18
1:25:47 Erica Larson 22 10th woman; 96th overall of 1,541 finishers
1:27:18 Dick Wilson 62 1st of 27 AG 60-64, 113 OA
1:28:57 Sean Larsen 25 27 of 116 AG 25-29 136 OA
1:29:13 Mike Ott 48 10th of 166 AG 45-49, 141 OA
1:37:33 Ed Payne 46 27 of 166 AG 45-49, 284 OA
1:40:36 Doug Houston 49 40 of 166 AG 45-49, 368 OA
1:42:58 Dave Faurot 47 51 of 166 AG 45-49, 436 OA
1:43:38 Dee Boeck 44 4th of 58 AG 40-44, 463 OA
1:44:19 Jim Guthrie 38 91 of 232 AG 35-39, 488 OA
1:50:11 Lisa Dorrill 29 18 of 53 AG 25-29, 682 OA
8K winner, David Johnston, 25:51
33:00 Paul Heitzman 63 1st of 20 AG 60-64, 78th overall of 1,355 finishers
33:27 Lindy Eakin 38 17 of 155 AG 35-39, 93 OA
44:49 Maya Payne 20 14 of 35 AG 20-24, 714 OA
51:43 Deborah Faurot 43  64 of 85 AG 40-44, 1146 OA
(Jim Ryun, 47, 31:19)

16th Annual Bolder Boulder 10K, Bolder, Colo., 30 May 94

45:55 Dave Faurot 47 (5,430 feet elevation)
65:22 Deborah Faurot 43 113 of 455 women age 43;   5,179 of 16,269 women overall

14th Annual Olathe Med Center 10K, 7 May 94

35:40 David Bateman 31 2nd of 53 AG 30-34
36:14 Jay Beckman 34 3rd AG 30-34
39:17 Erica Larson 22 1st AG 20-24
40:35 Sarah Heeb 21 2nd AG 20-24
43:50 Dee Boeck 44 2nd of 16 AG 40-44
note: Roy Williams, 43, 52:40

17th Annual Lincoln, Neb., Marathon, 1 May 94

3:28:57 Wes Hubert 44   301 of 698 overall; 58 of 110 AG 40-44

Kansas Relays 10K, Lawrence, 23 April 94

44:13 Jim Guthrie 38

Clinton Dam Run, Lawrence, xx April 94

17:36 Sean Larson 25 2nd overall of 65;
25:01 Rich Freeman 46 31st OA; 3rd AG 45-49
43:22 Tim McGrath 41 8th OA of 54; 1st AG 40-44
45:13 Ed Payne 46 9th OA; 3rd AG 45-49
47:13 David Faurot 47 14th OA; 4th AG 45-49

5th Annual Shamrock Shuffle 5K, Lawrence, 12 March 94

21:25 Jim Guthrie 38

12th Annual Groundhog Run 10K, Kansas City, Mo., 6 Feb 94

35:00 David Bateman  30  8th of 116 AG 30-34
38:59 Mike Ott 48 3rd of 75 AG 45-49
40:33 Paul Heitzman 62 1st of 15 AG 60-64
41:45 Tim McGrath 40/41   12th of 111 AG 40-44
41:55 Ed Payne 45 11th of 75 AG 45-49
42:54 Doug Houston 48 14th of 75 AG 45-49
57:50 Ed Eglinski 62 10th of 15 AG 60-64; winner, Mark Curp, 29:43

Maverick Half-Marathon, Baker U., Baldwin, 11 Dec 93back to top

1:46:08 Dick Lipsey 48     44 of 64 overall
also ran Ed Payne 45
also ran Bill Busby 38

18th Annual Turkey Trot Cross-Country 5K, Haskell College, 6 Nov 93

20:41 Tim McGrath 40    1st AG 40-49; 14th overall; 20 degrees, sunny
22:48 Dick Lipsey 48    3rd AG 40-49; 25th OA
22:53 Charlie Shelton 38    7th AG 30-39; 26th OA
28:13 Deborah Faurot 43    2nd AG 40-49

10th Annual Humana Marathon & 10K, Kansas City, Mo., 31 Oct 93

38:10 Paul Heitzman 62 1st AG 60-64
38:26 Dick Wilson 61 2nd AG 60-64
43:28 Doug Houston 48 20th of 95 AG 45-49; 219th overall of 1,064
44:05 Dee Boeck 44 5th of 61 AG 40-44; 241st OA

Kappa Delta Sun Run 5K, KU, 17 Oct 93

20:36 Jim Guthrie 37
22:26 Dick Lipsey 48     53 of 120+ overall

3rd Annual Sandrats Trail Run, 8.2 Miles, Lawrence, 3 Oct 93

50:09 Sean Larsen 25  3rd AG 25-29  13th OA
55:13 Mike Ott 47  4th AG 45-49   29th OA
57:03 Sarah Heeb 20  1st AG 20-24   38th OA
57:15 Erica Larson 22  2nd AG 20-24  40th AO
57:41 Steve Wharton 42  10th AG 40-44 42nd OA
59:40 Ed Payne 45  10th AG 45-49 52nd OA
1:01:05 Tim McGrath 40  14th AG 40-44  62nd OA
1:02:02 Dave Faurot 46  12th AG 45-49  72nd OA
1:02:32 Bob Longino 37    9th AG 35-39  75th OA
1:02:44 Jim Guthrie 37  10th AG 35-39 76th OA
1:03:08 Deb Altus 34   2nd AG 30-34  80th OA
1:03:23 Wes Hubert 43   18th AG 40-44  83rd OA
1:08:15 Dick Lipsey 48  14th AG 45-49 108 OA; 138 total finishers

Air Capital Half-Marathon, Wichita, 19 Sep 93

1:27:58 Erica Larson 22 1st 20-24, 33rd overall
1:28:10 Sean Larsen 25 8th 25-29, 34th OA
1:33:09 Sarah Heeb 20 2nd 20-24, 54th OA
1:39:53 Ed Payne 45 92nd OA of 262 finishers; winner, Kirk Hunter, 1:10:33

Labor Day 10K, Leawood, 6 Sep 93

37:13 Bill Reetz 34 18th overall of 173 finishers; (189 5K finishers)
37:45 Erica Larson 22 21 OA
38:07 Dick Wilson 61 23 OA
39:04 Paul Heitzman 62
42:14 Ed Payne 45 50 OA
18:32 Mike Ott 47 1st AG 45-49
River Run 8K, Rossville, xx August 93
30:30 Bill Reetz 34 17th of 114 overall
31:26 Dick Wilson 1st AG 60-plus; 23rd overall

4th Annual Sunflower State Games, Lawrence,  31 July 93

5K Road Race
21:00 Jim Guthrie 37     2nd AG 35-39

Free State 8K, Lawrence, 26 June 93

29:48 Sean Larsen 1st AG 25-29; 7th overall of 79 (David Johnston, 26:40)
30:06 Bill Reetz 34 3rd AG 30-34; 8th OA
30:25 Dick Wilson 61 1st AG 60+ 10th OA
30:50 Mike Ott 47 2nd AG 45-49 12th OA
31:23 Paul Heitzman 62 2nd AG 60+ 14th OA
33:59 Doug Houston 48 4th AG 45-49 23rd OA
34:40 Ed Payne 45 5th AG 45-49 30th OA
42:33 Bernie Kish 54 7th AG 50-59; 58th OA

20th Annual Hospital Hill Runs, Kansas City,  6 June 93

click on image for larger version
Half-Marathon (Bill Rodgers, 45, 1:08:05, U.S. age-group record)
1:35:58 Ed Payne 45 39th of 144 AG 45-49; 345th overall of 1,370
1:36:39 Mike Harmon 45 42nd of 144 AG 45-49; 357 OA
1:38:17 Doug Houston 48 45th of 144 AG 45-49; 399 OA
1:38:54 Dee Boeck 43 6th of 63 AG 40-44; 418 OA
1:39:16 Wes Hubert 43 64th of 204 AG 40-44; 430 OA
1:50:49 Dave Faurot 46 89th of 144 AG 45-49; 816 OA
7.7 Miles
51:44 Lindy Eakin 37 87th overall of 913 men
59:06 Bob Longino 37 356th OA
59:33 Rich Freeman 45 273rd OA
1:04:59 Bob Hanzlik 49 477 OA (1:04:30 chip time)

15th Annual Bolder Boulder 10K, Boulder, Colo., 31 May 93

elevation 5,430 feet
68:50 Deborah Faurot 42 174 of 446 women age 42; 6,716 of 15,366 women overall

Bay to Breakers 7.58-Miles, San Francisco, 16 May 93

click on image for larger version
1:13:20 Bob Hanzlik 49 7,575 of 80,000   (1:08:05 chip time)
Tony Redwood

Clinton Dam Runs, Lawrence, May (?) 93

21:41 Jim Guthrie 37  1st AG 35-39; 13th male overall
30:41 Deborah Faurot 42
38:54 Bill Reetz 34 2nd AG 30-34; 6th overall

13th Annual Olathe Med Center Run, 1 May 93

10K winner, Mark Curp 30:22
36:16 Jay Beckman 33 4th AG 30-34
38:25 Mike Ott 47    2nd of 52 AG 45-49
38:53 Dick Wilson 61    1st AG 60-64 and 1st 50+   3rd all-time age-group in Kansas
40:41 Paul Heitzman 62    2nd AG 60-64 and 2nd 50+  10th all-time age-group in Kansas
42:23 Sarah Heeb 20   5th woman overall
43:24 Doug Houston 48   10 of 52 AG 45-49
43:35 Dave Faurot 46   11 of 52 AG 45-49
45:20 Dee Boeck 43    1st master
45:20 Christine McMinn 33 3rd of 26 AG 30-34
49:28 Dick Lipsey  48    27 of 52 AG 45-49
29:36 Deb Faurot  42 12 of 25 AG 40-44

Kansas Relays 10K, Lawrence, 17 April 93

37:49 Bill Reetz 34   16th OA of 90 finishers
38:46 Mike Ott 47    19 OA
39:00 Dick Wilson 61    21 OA
43:25 Dave Faurot 46    36 OA
43:34 Wes Hubert 43    37 OA
45:13 Jim Guthrie 37    50 OA
Masters 800
2:26.5 Paul Heitzman 62    1st 60-64

Kaw Valley Levee Run, Lawrence, 10 April 93

Half-Marathon winner Paul Boone 1:18:05
1:38:43 Wes Hubert 43 2nd AG 40-44
1:39:02 Dee Boeck 43 1st Master
19:45 Paul Heitzman 62 1st AG 60+

5th Annual Ekiden Relay, Overland Park, 28 March 93

25K Relay
7.5K in 31:23 Jim Dicker
5K in 19:22 Mike Ott 47 14th of 105 for this leg
10K in 39:32 Richard Ebel
2.5K in 10:24 Smitty Belcher
"Sandrats Masters" team: 15th of 105 overall in 1:40:41

4th Annual Shamrock Shuffle 5K, Lawrence, 13 March 93

22:30 Jim Guthrie 37
24:55 Dick Lipsey 47     50 of 115; subzero windchill

7th Annual Cedar Crest 10K, Topeka, 7 Nov 92back to top

No MadDog participation  

17th Annual Turkey Trot Cross-Country 5K, Haskell College, 7 Nov 92  

23:04 Dick Lipsey 47 27th overall
24:32 Tim McGrath 39 33rd OA
29:09 Russell Faurot 53rd OA;  6th AG 18-U
31:01 Emily Faurot 61st OA;  3rd AG 18-U  
31:01 Deb Faurot  42 61st  OA; 3rd of 5 AG 40-49
70 finishers; 33 degrees; snowy & muddy

9th Annual Prime Health Marathon & 10K, Kansas City, Mo., 25 Oct 92

Marathon winner, Jerrold Wynnia, 2:25:24
3:40:24 Wes Hubert 42 27 of 76 AG 40-44, 171 overall of 524 finishers
10K winner, Paul Aufdemberge, 29:15
35:40 David Bateman 29 15th of 84 AG 25-29, 49th overall of 1,274 finishers
40:11 Paul Heitzman 61 1st of 24 AG 60-64, 130th OA
43:47 Dee Boeck 43 3rd of 70 AG 40-44, 252 OA

Kappa Alpha Theta Sun Run 10K, Lawrence, 18 Oct 92

48:04 Dick Lipsey 47

2nd Annual Sandrats Trail Run, 8.2 Miles, Lawrence, 4 Oct 92

52:24 Dick Wilson 60 1st AG 60+  18th overall of 131 finishers
53:03 Sean Larsen 24 2nd of 10 AG 20-24    20th overall
57:13 Steve Wharton 41 5th of 16  AG 40-44    37th OA
57:27 Doug Houston 47 7th of 17  AG 45-49    38th OA
58:45 Dave Faurot 45 9th of 17 AG 45-49      53rd OA
1:01:23 Wes Hubert 42 8th of 16 AG 40-44      65th OA
1:02:17 Bob Longino 36 11th of 19 AG 35-39    72nd OA
1:02:22 Debby Altus 33 6th woman                73rd OA
1:03:23 Ed Payne 44 11th of 16 AG 40-44     76th OA
1:04:41 Dick Lipsey 47 15th of 17 AG 45-49     91st OA
1:06:13 Jeff Allen 43 14th of 16 AG 40-44     97th OA
1:11:32 Bernie Kish 53 11th of 13 AG 50-54     114 OA
1:17:05 Cheryl Miller 43 22nd woman                   129 OA

Air Capital Half-Marathon, Wichita, 20 Sep 92

1:19:57 David Bateman 29 3rd 25-29, 9th overall of 197; winner, Tim Gundy, 1:08:42

Fall Crawl 10-K, Lawrence, 5 Sep 92

36:31 David Bateman 29 2nd AG 25-29 winner, Paul Boone, 34:30
37:31 Dick Wilson 60 1st AG 60+
38:48 Mike Ott 46 2nd AG 45-49
44:09 Dee Boeck 43 1st Master
45:35 Deb Altus 33 1st AG 30-34;
top 3 AG results only note, Bob Frederick, 45:26, 1st AG 50-54

3rd Annual Sunflower State Games, Lawrence, 1 Aug 92

10K Road Race
37:40 Mike Ott 46    3rd AG 45-49
38:21 Dick Wilson 60    1st AG 60+
45:14 Wes Hubert 42    3rd AG 40-44
1,500-Meter Track Run
4:44 Paul Heitzman 61    1st AG 60+

CPA 4-Mile, Eudora, 18 July 92

23:27 Mike Ott 46 3rd overall of 38
26:42 Max Sutton 55 1st 50+
33:41 Claire Sutton 54 1st 50+

Free State 8K, Lawrence, 27 June 92

30:46 Mike Ott 46 2nd AG 45-49; 23rd overall of 122
31:16 Paul Heitzman 61 1st AG 60+ ; 25th OA
winner Steve Heffernan 25:19; top 3 AG only

5th Annual Tonganoxie Days 5K, 13 June 92

n.a. Jay Beckman 32 2nd overall
n.a. David Bateman 29 1st AG 20-29
1st Steve Riley; winners only, no times in newspaper

19th Annual Trinity Hospital Hill Runs, Kansas City, Mo., 31 May 92

Half-Marathon winner, Simon Peter 1:04:33
1:27:07 Lindy Eakin 36 37th of 242 AG 35-39
1:36:44 Dee Boeck 42 4th of 52 AG 40-44
7.7 Miles
58:33 Wes Hubert 42 319th of 1501 men overall
59:53 Rich Freeman 44 354 OA
1:15:01 Ed Payne 44 1225 OA
1:15:01 Zabrina Payne 14 312 of 482 women overall

Lions Club Journey for Sight 8K, Topeka, 30 May 92

36:56 Dick Lipsey 47 42nd of 77 overall

Bolder Boulder 10K, Boulder, Colo, 25 May 92            

5,430 feet elevation
65:02 Deb Faurot 41 124 of 381 female age 41 finishers; 5,428 of 13,742 women overall

12th Annual Olathe Med Center Run, 2 May 92

Click on image for newspaper article.
43:50 Dave Faurot  45 4th of 50 AG 45-49
44:16 Dee Boeck 42 1st of 20 AG 40-44
48:31 Dick Lipsey  47 18th of 50 AG 45-49
NOTE: Joan Benoit Samuelson 35:22; winner, Tim Schmid, 32:04
19:01 Paul Heitzman 61 1st AG 60-64 and 2nd master; state age-group record
31:35 Deb Faurot  41 16 of 28 AG 40-44

KU Relays 10K, 18 April 92

43:39 Dave Faurot 45 70th overall of 143 finishers
48:38 Dick Lipsey 46 102 OA
Masters 800
2:24.2 Paul Heitzman 61  (8th in 40+ age group)

Kaw Valley Levee Run, 11 April 92

1:40:39 Dee Boeck 42 4th woman overall
18:58 Paul Heitzman 61 1st AG 60+
20:07 Ed Payne 44 4th of 12 AG 40-44
22:03 Dick Lipsey 46 2nd of 4 AG 45-49

Clinton Dam Run, Lawrence, 4 April 92

20K winner, Jay O'Neil, 1:10:38
1:23:08 Lindy Eakin 36 8th OA
1:33:30 Ed Payne 43 40-44 18th OA
44:25 Dee Boeck 42 1st woman overall
46:36 Rich Freeman 44 27th of 60 overall; 5th of 8 AG 40-44
46:37 Dick Lipsey  46 28 of 60 OA; 4th of 7 AG 45-49
19:10 Paul Heitzman 61 1st AG 50+     6th of 47 male finishers
30:12 Deb Faurot 41 1st AG 40-44; 23 of 31 female finishers

4th Annual Ekiden Relay, Overland Park, 29 March 92

25K Relay
7.5K in 28:34 Richard Ebel 9th of 92 on this leg (6:25/mile pace)
5K in 19:12 Jim Dicker 7th of 92 (6:10 pace)
10K in 38:14 Larry Spray 42 14th of 92 (6:09 pace
2.5K in 9:36 Ed Payne 43 10th of 92 (6:10 pace)
"Sandrats Masters" team: 8th of 92 overall in 1:35:36
Marathon Relay
7.5K in 26:38 Paul Boone 8th of 53 (5:44/mile pace)
5K in 17:38 David Bateman 28 5th of 53 (5:40 pace)
10K in 35:38 Jay Beckman 32 7th of 53 (5:44 pace)
10K in 35:23 Steve Riley 5th of 53 (5:41 pace)
9.695K in 35:43 Kent McDonald 12th of 53 (5:55 pace)
"Sandrats": 8th of 53 overall 4th of 10 in RRCA National Male Open Championship

3rd Annual Shamrock Shuffle 5K, Lawrence, 14 March 92

16:43 Kent McDonald 38/39 1st AG 30-39
17:16 Jay Beckman 32 2nd AG 30-39
17:39 David Bateman 28 3rd AG 19-29
17:58 Larry Spray 42 1st AG 40-49
19:03 Paul Heitzman 61 3rd AG 50+
22:12 Dick Lipsey 46 50th of 107 overall
26:43 Zabrina Payne 1st 18-under

6th Annual Cedar Crest 10K, Topeka, 23 Nov 91back to top

No MadDog participation  

16th Annual Turkey Trot Cross-Country 5K, Haskell Indian College, Nov 91

19:35 Ed Payne 43 17th overall of 74; 6th of 7 AG 40-44
19:38 Paul Heitzman 60 19th OA; 1st 50+
21:03 Dee Boeck 42 30th OA; 1st AG 40-49
29:18 Deborah Faurot 41  66th OA

Fall Classic 10K, Lawrence, 13 Oct 91

40:57.3 Ed Payne 43 5th AG 40-44

1st Sandrats Trail Run, 15K, Lawrence, 6 Oct 91

1:04:39 Doug Houston 46 3rd 45-49; winner Randy Mather, 52:57
1:07:13 Dee Boeck 42 3rd woman overall
1:11:38 Lisa Dorrill 26 6th woman
1:24:42 Ed Eglinski 60 3rd 60+        
also ran Ed Payne 43 NOTE: results available only for age-group winners

Air Capital Half-Marathon, Wichita, 22 Sep 91

1:41:03 Gabrielle Thompson 44 67 of 152 overall (courtesy of Brian Pawley, June 2013)

2nd Annual Sunflower Games, Lawrence, 3 Aug 91

2:31.9 Paul Heitzman 60 1st AG 60+ 800 meters
5:20.8 Heitzman 60 1st AG 60+ 1,500 meters
12.8 Dick Lipsey 46 AG 45-49 100 meters, 5th of 10

Midsummer 5K, Overland Park, 14 July 91

22:42 Dick Lipsey 46 22nd of 45 AG 45-49; 254th overall of 624

Free State 8K, Lawrence, 6 July 91

31:17 Mike Ott 45 18th OA of 132; 3rd AG
32:36 Steve Wharton 40 31st OA
42:24 Bernie Kish 52 103 OA ; winner, Jay O'Neill, 26:39; (Glen Mason, 44, 38:04)

18th Annual Trinity Hospital Hill Runs, Kansas City, Mo., 2 June 91

Half-Marathon winner, Joseph Leuchtmann, 1:05:50
1:37:38 Steve Wharton 40 89th of 252 AG 40-44
1:37:53 Ed Payne 43 91st of 252 AG 40-44
7.7 Miles
58:09 Jim Guthrie 35 285th of 1771overall
59:00 Mike Johnson 38 334 OA
60:44 Burdett Loomis 45 429 OA

13th Annual Bolder Boulder 10K, Bolder, Colo., 27 May 91

44:51 Dave Faurot 44 (5,430 feet elevation)
46:31 Ron Bass 44 92 of 464 age-44 men (alumni runner)

KU Relays 10K, xx April 91

42:57 Dave Faurot 44 40-49  87th OA; 191 finishers

Clinton Dam Runs, Lawrence, 6 April 91

23:07 Dick Lipsey 45 6th of 10 AG 40-49

2nd Annual Shamrock Shuffle, 16 March 91

results n.a., 176 runners

15th Annual Marine Corps Marathon, Washington DC, 4 Nov 90 back to top

3:12:37 Doug Houston 45 928th of 10,906 finishers

5th Annual Cedar Crest 10K, Topeka, 3 Nov 90

40:56 Ed Payne 42 6th of 41 AG 40-44, 57th overall of 280
43:21 Dee Boeck 36  2nd of 12 AG 40-44; 87th OA
46:31 Dick Lipsey 45 11th of 24 AG 45-49, 137 OA

7th Annual Prime Health Marathon & 10K, Kansas City, Mo., 28 Oct 90

10K (Mark Junkerman 28:57)
40:02 Ed Payne 42 26th of 174 AG 40-44; 181 overall of 1,328
41:54 Dee Boeck 41 4th of 73 AG 40-44; 256 OA
43:34 Wes Hubert 40 51st of 174 AG 40-44; 344 OA
Marathon (Rolf Schmidt 2:20:30):
4:03:03 Steve Wharton 39 65th of 86 AG 35-39; 302 overall of 450

Not-So-Perfect 5-Mile, Olathe, 7 Oct 90

36:30 Dick Lipsey 45 11th of 24 AG 45-49, 137 OA

Air Capital Half-Marathon, Wichita, 23 Sep 90

1:29:52 Ed Payne 42 45th overall of 204 finishers; winner, Gary Gregory 1:09:29

1st Sunflower State Games, Lawrence, 28 July 90

5:40.4 Ann Cudd 30 1st AG 30-39 1,500 meters
2:45 Ann Cudd 30 1st AG 30-39 800 meters

Midsummer Morning 5K, Overland Park, 15 July 90

20:48 Dick Lipsey 45
Ed Payne 42

Free State 8K, Lawrence, 7 July 90

34:10 Dee Boeck 40 1st Master   
34:51 Ann Cudd 30 2nd 30-34
35:01 Dick Lipsey 45 57th of 157 overall;  
winner, David Johnston, 26:14 top 3 AG only; note Bob Frederick, 34:15 1st 50-59

Lions Run for Sight 5-Mile, Topeka, 9 June 90

35:24 Dick Lipsey 45 5th of 17 AG 45-49; 64th of 145 overall  

17th Annual Hospital Hill Run, Kansas City, 3 June 90

1:34:36 Ed Payne 42  61st of 235 AG 40-44; 453 OA of 1,654 finishers
1:37:27 Dee Boeck 40  5th of 50 woman AG 40-44; 558 OA
1:38:24 Steve Wharton 39  117 of 285 AG 35-39; 599 OA
1:40:50 Sean Larsen 22 710 OA
7.7 Miles
56:02 Dick Lipsey 45  239th of 1314 male finishers
59:18 Mike Johnson 37 397th of 1314

12th Annual Bolder Boulder 10K, Boulder, Colo., 28 May 90

45:26 Dave Faurot 43 (5,430 feet elevation)

9th Annual Run Against Drugs 10K, Topeka, 12 May 90

42:51 Dick Lipsey 45    32nd of 85 OA
44:37 Jim Guthrie 34    40 of 85 OA        
winner: Bill Hefner, 33:25; 2nd, Brian Pawley, 34:01

10th Olathe Med Center 10K, 5 May 90

41:42 Ed Payne 42 11th of 89 AG 40-44
43:14 Dick Lipsey 45  9th of 48 AG 45-49;   133rd of 580 overall
43:23 Dee Boeck 40 2nd of 28 AG 40-44
note: Joan Benoit Samuelson, 34:11, 1st woman; winner, Tim Schmid, 31:51

KU Relays 10K, 21 April 90

44:18 Dick Lipsey 44 200+ finishers; winner, Gordon Way 31:39

Kaw Valley Levee Run, Lawrence, 7 April 90

5K top 3 AG only
18:24 Rick Hermesch 36 3rd AG 35-39
21:03 Dick Lipsey 44 30th of 98 overall
1:36:24 Dee Boeck 40 1st woman master

Clinton Dam Runs, Lawrence, 31 March 90

5K (note: incomplete results)
18:44 Rick Hermesch 36 1st AG 35-44
18:56 David Bateman 26 7th of 15 AG 25-34
37:22 Jay Beckman 30 2nd of 27 AG 25-34
42:08 Ed Payne 41 6th of 27 AG 35-44
43:18 Dee Boeck 40 1st AG 35-44
45:33 Dick Lipsey 44 13 of 27 AG 35-44; 39 of 109 overall
50:52 Rich Freeman 42 23 of 27 AG 35-44
52:41 Jim Guthrie 34  26 of 27 AG 25-34
60:30 Howard Baumgartel 68 8th of 8 AG 45 and over
63:25 Deborah Faurot 39  10 of 10 AG 35-44
(Brian Pawley, 20K in 1:13:21, 2nd overall of 54)

1st Shamrock Shuffle 5K, Lawrence, 17 March 90

18:12 Mark Ludorf 26 3rd AG 19-29; winner Ted Ortiz 16:03
20:36 Dick Lipsey 44 28th of 120+ overall
20:49 Ann Cudd 30 1st AG 30-39
21:13 Dee Boeck 40 1st AG 40-49
21:32 Deb Altus 30 2nd AG 30-39
21:57 Christine McMinn 30 3rd AG 30-39
top 3 AG only

8th Topeka to Auburn Half-Marathon, 20 January 1990

No MadDog participation