2015 MadDogs Annual Run

Front row: Dick Lipsey, Gene Wee, Doug Houston, Matt O'Reilly, Leland Wilson, Mike Harmon, Mike Ettredge

Standing: Fred Van Vleck, Jim Guthrie, Andrew Chen, Erin Hubert, Dennis Rosen, Wes Hubert, Ed Morris, Bob Hanzlik, Scott Coston, Morrie Faiman, Ed Payne, Lindy Eakin, Jim Orr, Bill Busby

photos courtesy of Pat Hubert

below: the start (leisurely, in most cases)
below: finishing up; theoretically, everyone should be together

above: Scott was within 1 second of his predicted time

Mike E: runner of the year

above and below: Matt and Leland, newcomers

Ed P: comeback runner (again)

Andrew: Golden Shoe

Mike H: Bunce Run Century Club

Photos below from the water stop, courtesy of Matt O'Reilly

Dick and Doug

Ed Payne


Mike Ettredge and Bob Hanzlik

Leland Wilson

Lindy Eakin and Scott Coston

Mike Harmon

Gene Wee